What is Memorial Day?
Happy Memorial Day and I hope you had a great day with your loved ones.
In this podcast episode, I share what Memorial Day is to me.
Here are is a video of what we did this weekend!
Happy Memorial Day and I hope you had a great day with your loved ones.
In this podcast episode, I share what Memorial Day is to me.
Here are is a video of what we did this weekend!
Hello Everyone
Over the past weekend it was trending that Mrs Osinachi Nwachucku, a well known worship singer in Nigeria had died. The cause of death was said to be that her husband had kicked her in her chest!
Why did she stay?
Why do people stay?
What can we do for people who tell us of abuse?
1. LISTEN to them
Tyler Perry's Madea's Family Reunion - she tells I think her neice how to handle a situation... I don't condone violence but here, you can see it's an issue that happens. I wish there was a second film showing what happened to him after the oatmeal scene... did he, the abuser change or go to someone else and the cycle continued?
2. Train our sons to not take nor give it
3. Speak out, speak up Proverbs 31:8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy.
5. Be empowered- do something! Don't be dependent on anyone.
Side hustle is okay!
I love Pastor Funke Adejumo for this... she tells people to have a life,
My dad died when I was less than 5 years old... my mom was able to work and take care of us.
6. You're important with or without marriage... I come from a culture where marriage is important and people have suffered emotional, physical and untold abuse because they think they should be married.
God created man and woman and we are valuable in His sight Gen 1:27,
Some links:
Thehotline.org for national domestic violence hotline and please for domestic violence call 800-799-7233.
It's Friday nite and I'm looking forward to a good restful weekend. I haven't felt good all day so this weekend should be a good time to rest.
That's what I thought but it didn't happen this way.
About 8p my oldest asked for hot Cocoa and I gave him some. He said I don't feel good after he drank it and he threw up.
I felt a fever coming. With aches and pains and colds too.
I was sick, hubby was at work and two little ones with me...
The weekend was a blur....
I was achy, weak and noticed I had rashes on my legs and arms. My face had some too.
I thought can it be Covid?
To top this off, I was sneazing and was fighting a cold too. On Monday, I was going to be tested
My little one who's a year plus just out of the blue felt warm and threw up twice in 2 hours. And then he was whiny. I called his doc to be tested.
We all got tested and we all were positive for Covid.
For The rash that came, I applied calamine lotion to it so that the itch will not be so bad. It helped some but, I'd confess, it was wierd.
Imagine having heat rash in the winter?
My worry was not for me, but for my littlest one. He was whiny and fussy, kinda not wanting to eat too. My oldest said the milk and food tasted funny. That's when I started to pray.
I had no energy to chase them to eat, if the food tasted funny, what will I do? How does a toddler tell you how they feel?
I prayed. I had people praying.
And whats sad about this disease is no one tells you what to take to fight it.
I had asked the doc what to give the little ones he said vitamin C, vitamin D, it's sunny today let them bask in the sunlight... Your child is sick and you can't do much?
We prayed.
I gave Tylenol to the little ones and I took Tylenol for the fever.
They ate a bit here and there snd I gave juice without shame or fear. As long as they were drinking I didn't ration it. I got Pedialyte for them and got Lucozade boost for me.
I drank water too and made some hot and spicy goat meat soup too.
A friend of ours brought us some spicy chicken curry. I enjoyed it, one thing I didn't loose was my taste
My sleep was off totally.
I got my strength back some but I'm taking things easy.
It's crazy it will take being sick to get rest!
In the words of Mr. Miyagi: Better learn balance. Balance is key
As moms, we think about work life, home life, family, marriage, friendships... need I say more?
No such thing as work-life balance, every family is different- Gary Vee
When we are strong in your family or work and then the other part is weak, you're not balanced
Myth is defined in Merriam Webster's dictionary as a traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon. I googled work-life balance and I stuck with this compilation of work-life balance quotes I found on realwealth.com by Jessica Willens.
Here are some quotes that I'd share with you:
1. Either you run the day, or the day runs you- Jim Rohn
2. Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those Choices- Betsy Jacobson
3. Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life - Dolly Parton
4. When in doubt, choose the kids. There will be plenty of time later to choose work - Anna Quindlen
5. Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose - Thomas Edison
6. Don't forget to breathe- Mr. Miyagi.
7. Boundaries help create mutual balance instead of split balance - the book Boundaries by Dr's. Henry Cloud and John Townshend.
Proverbs 31.org has an article about boundaries
We can choose to wait and see how things fall in place because we do not want to envy others or keep up with the Jones’ but see Ecclesiastes 4:5-6 read it here
We can say we don’t want to work too hard because we are trying to achieve balance but see Proverbs 6:10:
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest….
Luke 10: 38-42:
The story is about two sisters, Mary and Martha
When Jesus came to visit them: Mary sat down to listen to Jesus but Martha got busy serving Jesus and the guests. Martha asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her but Jesus reminded her Mary chose the right thing and it would not be taken from her.
So we choose; we redefine our boundaries and that with prayers we can achieve or accomplish this myth called work-life balance!
Get Smart; S.M.A.R.T Goals that is!
In my last episode, I talked about glorious Purpose and how I was going to live life this way this year 2022.
Every beginning of the year people make lists, wait, I make a list of what I want to do. Like I told you in the last episode I want to lose some weight and here is what I want to do.
I want to get S.M.A.R.T which is to get SMART Goals!
I will talk about what SMART Goals are and tell you an example of what I am doing this year.
SMART is an acronym that stands for
1. Specific- the more specific. The easier it will be to achieve. Here, I want to lose weight
2. Measurable -how will I prove I'm on my way to this goal being achieved? I've read to set milestones along the way to see how I am doing and not forget rewards if I reach the milestones.
Here, I want to lose 30lbs. And I'd check monthly to see if I am on track
3. Achievable-is this goal achievable within a time frame? Yes
4. Realistic or Relevant- yes! It's within my goals or values for this year to be healthy, to be able to feel better, and take care of my kiddos.
5. Time-based. My time frame is one year. I know people have been able to lose more than this amount in a year. However this is my starting point, when I get to this number, I can build on this achievement!
Please, remember this is just an example for me. You can apply SMART Goals to any part of your life- and see results!
I am also doing something I have not done in a while too- dancing /working out at home. (See the silly video of me 🤣😆🤦🏾♀️)
Once a month, I'd check myself on the scale to see if I am making any progress!
Have you used SMART Goals before? If you have share what goal you had set and how you achieved this goal!
See you on the next episode!
God bless!