The Quietest July 4th Yet..

Once in a while, we have a year where July 4th falls on a weekend and we get to have Friday if the 4th is on Saturday off. If it is on a Sunday, we get Monday off.

Today is the 4th and there are no wooshes, bangs, or loud sounds coming from fireworks going off. The place we live in actually had notice out saying fireworks were not allowed 😢

Last year at this time, we lived in Florida and my family was visiting another family in Florida. In the neighborhood they lived in, the celebration began at 9 pm. I will say that if I have a long weekend again on the 4th of July, that is the neighborhood I want to go to.

The fireworks were plentiful, loud, and did not stop even after we left the home of our friends. My toddler and theirs had fun and all the kids that came had fun. I went to bed with a smile on my face.

This year is different, due to Coronavirus, there are no gatherings- and even if there were any, we chose to stay home to be safe. Some states like Arizona, New Jersey- that had reopened or lifted the ban are noticing there are seeing a spike of cases and the authorities are trying to contain it.

With all these in mind, there is a sour taste in the mouth to go outside and see fireworks if there are any. I am planning on turning on the TV later tonight to see if there would be any fireworks shows broadcast as they are happening.

Maybe next year will be different!

Maybe soon, Corona Virus will be done and gone away and we can return to some form of normalcy.


Even without fireworks, and outside barbecues; I hope you do something special so that for next year, you would say: “2020 was the year we….

This is the year, the year, we stayed home on July 4th and watched fireworks on TV…

Happy 4th of July and to all our military and servicemen and women; thank you!

Stay safe and have a Happy 4th of July my friends🎆🎉🎇

