That Winning Feeling!
Sometimes, I think the hardest task is being a parent. One of my biggest worries is that my picky eater might not be getting all the nutrients he needs, seeing that he gives mostly green veggies the side eye!
Being a picky eater too, my other worry is if I get caught telling him to eat something I don’t like to eat and would I have a good reason to explain why I say he should eat what I would not eat?
After my most recent birthday, I told myself i’d eat the rainbow, less refined flour in dishes and less processed foods.
Earlier this week, I had got some zucchini and told myself I’d eat some zucchini. The only way I know how- no choose- to eat zucchini is by baking it. I got a recipe from my favorite baking site Sally’s Baking addiction and tweaked it a bit. Instead of using flour only like in the recipe, I used a cup of oats and 3/4 cup of flour. I also added wheat germ to the mix.
I got my little one to help mix the batter with the hopes that he would eat the bread when done. I had asked how he would prefer it, muffin style or as a loaf- and he chose muffin style and we got to work!
It turned out delicious. I won this round- my kiddo loved the muffin and also ate zucchini without making any sad faces!
Here are some pictures. How do you like or make your zucchini?
Zucchini muffins
I got a smile with each bite 😋